Mr Langshaw's Square Piano is part detective story...lovingly detailed, imaginatively coloured...absorbing, generously illustrated
Chris Moreley, Birmingham Post
..elegantly combines nostalgic reminiscences with serious historical research...beautifully presented and often rather unusual and charming book
Classic FM Magazine
Goold's writing shows the mark of a true storyteller...the author has done all the homework with a perceptive eye...scholarship worn lightly...something to be read as much for social history as keyboard history.
Harpsichord and Fortepiano
Biography, musical history and personal memoir...achieved with the lightest of touches...a perfect balance - an equipoise between scholarly research and clear communication...this is a truly remarkable and delightful book...we are hooked, as in the best novel or thriller...
Jane Austen Society Newsletter.
Mr Langshaw, a man whose story shows just how quietly revolutionary the arrival of the piano was for domestic culture, and for women in the home.
Woman's Hour
The book reads like a scholarly detective story, and is difficult to put down...stylish and assured.
Lancaster Guardian
This delightful book...fascinating and informative...a compelling account...if it were not for Goold, John Langshaw and his piano would have probably disappeared forever as a footnote to history. We are grateful that their story has been told.