Revival & Restoration

Mr. Langshaw was in the vanguard of a popular music revolution that gave many people access to the pleasures of music-making, both in private and in sociable harmony.

The piano maker John Broadwood was a business man of genius who saw that pianos could be made in a range of styles to suit the social distinctions and aspirations of the day. He was the first to produce pianos in serious commercial numbers, by industrial methods.

M.Clementi, Sonata Op.25, No.5, Second Movement (1790)

M.Clementi, Sonata Op.25, No.5, Second Movement (1790)
Javascript and Flash are required to play the recordings

The relationship between the musician, Mr. Langshaw and John Broadwood was a microcosm of the way the piano culture helped to shape modern English life. As it became both a musical and a commercial success it drew many different people into its harmonious ambit and became a cultural commodity and an instrument of socio-cultural democracy.

Through musicians like Mr. Langshaw pianos found their way out of the Court and the drawing-rooms of a privileged few, into the middle-class parlour, the schoolhouse and public house and eventually into the front rooms of an industrialised nation.

The evidence for this Quiet Revolution is in the manufacturer's records. The story of Mr. Langshaw and his square piano is contained in long-forgotten letters, sketchbooks and scrapbooks scattered in archives throughout northern England, and North America.

The square piano he bought in 1807 has been restored and has plenty of life left in it.

Mr. Langshaw's square piano before restoration Mr. Langshaw's square piano before restoration

Restoration of Broadwood Square Piano dated 1807

  • Re-string using historically-correct wires
  • Repairs to soundboard
  • Make new damper cloths
  • Re-bush damper guides
  • Remove and replace hitchpins
  • Remove hammers to replace leather hinges
  • Correct keyboard distortion and tighten mortises
  • Repair leg threads and leg blocks
  • Repair veneer and moulding
Before Restoration

Before Restoration

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